Our Mission:
"We assist our clients to reach their full potential by bridging the gaps between Food and Nutrition Sciences, the Art of Healing, and Eating Well"
Your Microbiome
A Vital Part of Our Gut Health
The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, which are collectively known as the microbiome. These microbes play a vital part in our gut health, supporting digestion and the synthesis of vitamins.
Symptoms and diagnoses
SmartGut™ is a screening test that can help you monitor your overall gut health regularly.
It detects the microorganisms associated with several common gut symptoms, including:
Abdominal pain/tenderness
Crohn's disease/Ulcerative Colitis
General Screening
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The Microbiome and Blood Sugar Management
High interpersonal variability in post-meal sugar observed in an 800-person cohort
Using personal and microbiome features enables accurate sugar response prediction
Prediction is accurate and superior to common practice in an independent cohort
Short-term personalized dietary interventions successfully lower post-meal sugar
Personalized Nutrition/ Cell November 19, 2015 (Vol. 163 issue 5)